St. Mary’s Church at The Mercy Community

Project Overview & Specifications

  • Project Location:
    West Hartford, CT
  • Project Architect:
    Amenta Emma Architects, P.C.
  • Owner:
    Mercy Community Health
  • Completion Date:
    December 2008
  • Cost Range:
St. Mary’s Chapel at the Mercy Community follows a legacy of the Sisters of Mercy, a religious order founded in Ireland in 1831. In the 1850s, the Four Sisters of Mercy taught classes in the basement of St. Patrick’s Church in Hartford, Connecticut and later purchased the Toohey Farm in West Hartford. The Sisters of Mercy then transformed the old farmhouse into an assisted living facility. Over the years, additional buildings and facilities were added on, and eventually the Sisters of Mercy reorganized into the Mercy Community. The most distinct building on the Mercy Community campus is their main building, which opened in 1896. Recognizable by its two large towers, it features a chapel, an office, and two dormitories added on in later years. Kronenberger & Sons Restoration was responsible for the entire restoration and renovation to the chapel, including new finishes, new seating, mechanical, electrical, liturgical elements, decorative painting, etched glass work, etched flooring, and more. This job won us First Place at the CT ABC Excellence in Construction Awards.

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