Category: Energy Efficiency

Energy Analysis: Original Wood Windows versus Replacement Windows

What's the real cost of replacement windows? We think there are so many reasons to save original wood windows versus replacing them. Unfortunately, the advertisements of replacement window companies are loud, and claims of the money that can be saved in energy costs are vehement. What isn’t mentioned is the fact that replacement windows won’t last long enough to make that savings legitimate, or all the embodied energy costs that are involved in the replacement window process. When you dig a little deeper, is it really a savings? We know people like the numbers, so let’s look at some: Single…

YES, Old Wood Windows Can Be Energy Efficient!

One of the most common things we hear is, “old wood windows are not energy efficient.” This idea becomes the rationale behind why many old wood windows end up in the landfill. Unfortunately, many people are misinformed and fall for these claims that wood windows are not energy efficient. The truth is old wood windows can be made just as energy efficient as new, double-glazed windows. Like any building component, they need the necessary care and upkeep to maintain both operation and energy efficiency. Original wood windows can compete effectively against newer replacements when these needs are met: Properly Maintained…


Brooklyn Unitarian Church

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The Mark Twain House

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Wadsworth Mansion

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Railroad Museum of New England

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